Não são as postagens de maior sucesso de visitação nem de comentários, mas particularmente acho que se constituem na principal contribuição (beeeeeeeem modesta, é verdade) do GR à divulgação científica.
1 Taxonomia da comunicação sobre ciências.
2 Teoria da informação de Shannon e divulgação científica.
3 Alberguini, AC. 2007. A ciência nos telejornais brasileiros: o papel educativo e a compreensão pública das matérias de CT&I. Tese de doutorado – Comunicação Social. Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. 300 pp.
4 Rosa, Katemari & Martins, Maria Cristina. 2007. O que é alfabetização científica, afinal? In: XVII Simpósio Nacional do Ensino de Física, 2007, São Luís, MA. Anais do XVII Simpósio Nacional do Ensino de Física, 2007.
5 Carvalho, A. 1999. A comunicação científica pública e o jornalismo científico: conceitos e funções.
6 Macedo-Rouet, M.; Rouet, J-F; Epstein, I & Fayard, P. 2003. Effects of Online Reading on Popular Science Comprehension. 25: 99-128.
7 Substituição de erros conceituais e aprendizagem científica. Vários trabalhos.
8 Ficção científica e alfabetização científica. Vários trabalhos.
9 Ficção científica e alfabetização científica. Vários trabalhos.
10 Ficção científica e alfabetização científica. Vários trabalhos.
11 Kouper, I. 2010. Science blogs and public engagement with science: practices, challenges, and opportunities. Journal of Science Communication 9(1): 1-10.
12 (1/2) Miller, J.D. 2004. Public understanding of, and attitudes toward, scientific research: what we know and what we need to know. Public Understand. Sci. 13: 273-94.
12 (2/2) Miller, J.D. 2004.
13 Trench, B. 2008. Towards an analytical framework of science communication models. In Cheng, D. et al. (eds.) Communicating science in social contexts: new models, new practices. Springer Netherlands. 320 p. Pp: 119-38.
14 (1/2) Burns, T.W.; O'Connor, D.J. & Stocklmayer, S.M. 2003. Science communication: a contemporary definition. Public Understanding of Science 12: 183-202.
14 (2/2) Burns, T.W.; O'Connor, D.J. & Stocklmayer, S.M. 2003.
15 Katz-Kimchi et al. 2011. Gauging public engagement with science and technology issues. Poroi 7(1).
16 Cooper, B.J.E. et al. 2011. The quality of the evidence for dietary advice given in UK national newspapers. Public Understanding of Science 20(3) & Vestergård,G.L. 2011. From journal to headline: the accuracy of climate science news in Danish high quality newspapers. Journal of Science Communication 10(2).
17 Corbett, J.B. & Durfee, J.L. 2004. Testing Public (Un)Certainty of Science: Media Representations of Global Warming. Science Communication 26(2): 129-51.
18 Nisbet, M.C. 2009a. Framing science: a new paradigm in public engagement. In: Kahlor, L.A. & Stout, P.A. (orgs.). Communicating Science: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series). Chapter 2. Pp: 40-67.
19 Bertolli Filho, C. 2006. Elementos fundamentais para a prática do jornalismo científico. Recensio.
20 Bauer, M.W. 2009. The evolution of public understanding of science - discourse and comparative evidence. Science, technology and society, 14 (2). pp. 221-240.
21 Glavan, E. & Cernat, A. 2010. Scientific literacy , attitudes towards science, religiosity and superstitious beliefs in the Romanian context. Science and the Public London 2010.
22. Allum, N. et al. 2008. Science knowledge and attitudes across cultures: a meta-analysis. Public Understanding of Science 17(1): 35-5.
Extra-1. Devemos divulgar ciências sem usar números? Estudo de Van der Linden et al. 2015 com o efeito de porteira de crença sugere que não.
23. Allen & Preiss 1997. Comparing the persuasiveness of narrative and statistical evidence using meta‐analysis. Communication Research Reports 14(2); Zebregs et a. 2014. The differential impact of statistical and narrative evidence on beliefs, attitude, and intention: A meta-analysis. Health Communication e Allen et al. 2000. Testing the persuasiveness of evidence: combining narrative and statistical forms. Comunication Research Reports 17(4).
24. Macnaghten, P. 2013. The future of science governance: publics, policies, practices. Pp: 31-48. In: Vogt, C. et al. (orgs.) Comunicação e Percepção de Ciência e Tecnologia (C&T). De Petrus et Alii. 180 pp. e Rowe, G. & Frewer, L.J. 2005. A typology of public engagement mechanisms. Science, Technology, & Human Values 30(2): 251-90.
25 (1/2). Lewandowsky et al. 2012. Misinformation and its correction: continued influence and successful debiasing. Psychological Science in the Public Interest 13(3): 106-31.
18 Nisbet, M.C. 2009a. Framing science: a new paradigm in public engagement. In: Kahlor, L.A. & Stout, P.A. (orgs.). Communicating Science: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series). Chapter 2. Pp: 40-67.
19 Bertolli Filho, C. 2006. Elementos fundamentais para a prática do jornalismo científico. Recensio.
20 Bauer, M.W. 2009. The evolution of public understanding of science - discourse and comparative evidence. Science, technology and society, 14 (2). pp. 221-240.
21 Glavan, E. & Cernat, A. 2010. Scientific literacy , attitudes towards science, religiosity and superstitious beliefs in the Romanian context. Science and the Public London 2010.
22. Allum, N. et al. 2008. Science knowledge and attitudes across cultures: a meta-analysis. Public Understanding of Science 17(1): 35-5.
Extra-1. Devemos divulgar ciências sem usar números? Estudo de Van der Linden et al. 2015 com o efeito de porteira de crença sugere que não.
23. Allen & Preiss 1997. Comparing the persuasiveness of narrative and statistical evidence using meta‐analysis. Communication Research Reports 14(2); Zebregs et a. 2014. The differential impact of statistical and narrative evidence on beliefs, attitude, and intention: A meta-analysis. Health Communication e Allen et al. 2000. Testing the persuasiveness of evidence: combining narrative and statistical forms. Comunication Research Reports 17(4).
24. Macnaghten, P. 2013. The future of science governance: publics, policies, practices. Pp: 31-48. In: Vogt, C. et al. (orgs.) Comunicação e Percepção de Ciência e Tecnologia (C&T). De Petrus et Alii. 180 pp. e Rowe, G. & Frewer, L.J. 2005. A typology of public engagement mechanisms. Science, Technology, & Human Values 30(2): 251-90.
25 (1/2). Lewandowsky et al. 2012. Misinformation and its correction: continued influence and successful debiasing. Psychological Science in the Public Interest 13(3): 106-31.
25 (2/2) Lewandowsky et al. 2012.
26. Valdesolo, P. et al. 2016. Awe and scientific explanation. Emotion.
27. Eveland, W.P.Jr. & Cooper, K.E. 2013. An integrated model of communication influence on beliefs. PNAS 110:14088–14095.
28. Bruin, W.B. & Bostrom, A. 2013. Assessing what to address in science communication. PNAS 111 (S-3): 14062-14068.
29. Sumner P, Vivian-Griffiths S, Boivin J, Williams A, Bott L, Adams R, et al. 2016. Exaggerations and Caveats in Press Releases and Health-Related Science News. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0168217.
30. Winter, S.; Krämer, N.C.; Rösner, L. & Neubaum, G. 2015. Don’t Keep It (Too) Simple: How Textual Representations of Scientific Uncertainty Affect Laypersons’ Attitudes. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 34(3): 251-72.
31. Dahlstrom, M.F. 2010. The role of causality in information acceptance in narratives: an example from science communication. Communication Research 37(6); 857-75 e Dahlstrom, M.F. 2012. The persuasive influence of narrative causality: psychological mechanism, strenght in overcoming resistance, and persistence over time. Media Psychology 15(3): 303-26.
32. AbiGhannam, N. 2016. Madam science communicator: a typology of women’s experiences in online science. Science Communication 38(4): 468-94.
33. Flemming, D. et al. 2018. Emotionalization in Science Communication: the impact of narratives and visual representations on knowledge gain and risk perception. Front. Commun. 3: article 3.
34. Zorn, TE et al. 2012. Influence in science dialogue: Individual attitude changes as a result of dialogue between laypersons and scientists.PUS 21(7): 848-864.
Extra-2. Compilação de diversas definições de divulgação científica.
Extra-3. Compilação de minicursos em vídeo de divulgação científica.
35. Krause, RJ & Rucker, DD. 2019. Strategic storytelling: When narratives help versus hurt the persuasive power of facts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
26. Valdesolo, P. et al. 2016. Awe and scientific explanation. Emotion.
27. Eveland, W.P.Jr. & Cooper, K.E. 2013. An integrated model of communication influence on beliefs. PNAS 110:14088–14095.
28. Bruin, W.B. & Bostrom, A. 2013. Assessing what to address in science communication. PNAS 111 (S-3): 14062-14068.
29. Sumner P, Vivian-Griffiths S, Boivin J, Williams A, Bott L, Adams R, et al. 2016. Exaggerations and Caveats in Press Releases and Health-Related Science News. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0168217.
30. Winter, S.; Krämer, N.C.; Rösner, L. & Neubaum, G. 2015. Don’t Keep It (Too) Simple: How Textual Representations of Scientific Uncertainty Affect Laypersons’ Attitudes. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 34(3): 251-72.
31. Dahlstrom, M.F. 2010. The role of causality in information acceptance in narratives: an example from science communication. Communication Research 37(6); 857-75 e Dahlstrom, M.F. 2012. The persuasive influence of narrative causality: psychological mechanism, strenght in overcoming resistance, and persistence over time. Media Psychology 15(3): 303-26.
32. AbiGhannam, N. 2016. Madam science communicator: a typology of women’s experiences in online science. Science Communication 38(4): 468-94.
33. Flemming, D. et al. 2018. Emotionalization in Science Communication: the impact of narratives and visual representations on knowledge gain and risk perception. Front. Commun. 3: article 3.
34. Zorn, TE et al. 2012. Influence in science dialogue: Individual attitude changes as a result of dialogue between laypersons and scientists.PUS 21(7): 848-864.
Extra-2. Compilação de diversas definições de divulgação científica.
Extra-3. Compilação de minicursos em vídeo de divulgação científica.
35. Krause, RJ & Rucker, DD. 2019. Strategic storytelling: When narratives help versus hurt the persuasive power of facts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
36. Importância da Divulgação Científica. Vários textos.
37. O uso de jargões e seus efeitos. Vários textos.
Extra-4. Muehlenhaus, I. 2012. If Looks Could Kill: The Impact of Different Rhetorical Styles on Persuasive Geocommunication, The Cartographic Journal 49(4): 361-375
Extra-5. Alfabetização científica ou letramento científico? Vários textos.
38. Gustafson, A & Rice, RE. 2020. A review of the effects of uncertainty in public science communication. Public Understanding of Science, 29(6), 614–33
39. Rubega, MA, Burgio, KR, MacDonald, AAM, Oeldorf-Hirsch, A, Capers, RS, & Wyss, R. 2021. Assessment by Audiences Shows Little Effect of Science Communication Training. Science Communication, 43(2), 139–169.
40. Vários autores. Revisões de terminologias e conceitos.
Um comentário:
Boa noite Roberto
Tenho vontade de estudar e trabalhar na área de divulgação científica há um tempo, mas ainda não tenho muita carga teórica.
Gostaria de saber se você pode me dar algumas dicas ou mesmo referências de pesquisadores desta área aqui mesmo do RN ou do Nordeste, para que eu possa entrar em contato e quem sabe fazer algumas parcerias para estudar mais sobre o assunto.
att, Felipe Silva
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